Puzzle Games - Play Free Gridz 2 Games Online
Gridz 2

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This is a very test of intellectual game, every game off will give you some grid, the grid will be rotating the channel, if the electricity through, will be lit. And each level has at least one master switch is permanently charged, it can always be rotating. Your goal is to bring all channels to connect up, and they have the power through (powered pathway with white). Each channel can choose to turn left or right, how to plan a move step is the key to this game!

Game Goal: light all channels

How to start: after the game is loaded click play to start the game


  • mouseleftoperate

Mouse clicks. The Select the Level Select checkpoints; the Undo to cancel the action. Not not connecting with the power grid without power! Grid connected to the blue power will turn blue; connected to the pink power will turn pink. Two power link with blue, pink plaid, mutually exclusive can not phase together. Score added to: Move points -1, cancel -2 point, restart -5 points

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