Leisure Games - Play Free Christmas Desserts Games Online
Christmas Desserts

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Christmas would like to personally do a lot of different flavors of desserts to entertain friends? It is an up move followed by Little Miss make it work, learn how to make delicious desserts.

Game Goal: make a delicious full gourmet

How to start: The game has finished loading, click the New game, according to their preferences, click the Peanut butter, fudge (peanut butter fudge), Christmas mini-muffins (Christmas mini muffins), the Clate mince pies (chocolate meat pie), Bingerbread cake with the orange icing (cake) into the game, and then follow the prompts to click ok to start operating


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the left mouse button depending on the game instructions

Previous Game: Edible Christmas Tree Decor  Next Game: Christmas Link
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