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Jack the power of two invincible, invincible version of the protagonist's blood is infinite, one up to experience what fun shooting! Jack is an ordinary person, one day his city was greatly damaged, Jack encounters a strange old man, what will happen next? Come and experience it personally.
Game Goal: destroy all the enemy to allow the restoration of peace
How to start: game loaded left to start the game part1
- lrmove
- upjump
- downnext squat down
Move the mouse control to aim, left click shoot. Keyboard AD key / ← → arrow keys to control movement, W key / ↑ keys to control the jump, S key / ↓ keys squat, the Q key to picking up items, the E key to switch weapons, the dialogue of the spacebar, P to pause the game
Previous Game: Bloody Gangsta War Next Game: Inspector Kloo 1
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- Boys Invincible version Bloody violence