Sports Games - Play Free Gregmaniacs Games Online

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A group of avid bike enthusiasts, the same with a bike race, these guys, but it will play action, and see if you can get the first of several. Do not forget to pass can unlock other characters.

Game Goal: control characters bike through various obstacles , the first to reach the finish line to win it

How to start: The game to load after clicking CONTINUE - then click on the PLAY GAME - then click on the figure to start the game


  • lrgo forward countermarch
  • lrcontrol center of gravity
  • spacejump up

Arrow keys ↑ ↓ key / WS keys to control the forward and back ← → / AD keys to control the center of gravity, the spacebar to jump. Note: The collection of props on the road can accelerate.

Previous Game: Spongebob Bike Ride  Next Game: Scooby-Doo dog skateboarding
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