Game octopus Kaka "Flying Adventure to plotline. In the game, Kaka shuttle flight in the sky "Superman", and we are familiar with Kaka other family members, such as acridine acridine, cuckoo, Lulu, etc., Kaka adventure hinder, Kaka must always eluded them, but also constantly pick to eat oxygen bottles, coins, etc., in order to smooth customs clearance.
Game Goal:
avoid Kaka other members of the family , and eat all the props clearance
How to start: games loaded after clicking "Start Game " to start the game
- lrmove
- lrclimb a ladder
- spacefly mode
- shiftshoot bullet
- ctrlpause
Control Kaka move ← → ↑ is the upward climb a ladder up a small jump encountered ladder ↓ down the face of the ladder and climb the ladder, open space flight mode, when released, turn off flight mode, the CTRL the game is paused. SHIFT is the fired bullet
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- Chinese localization Cute